Choose from Countless New Beginnings!


Recently the comedy site reminded me of how much I used to love Choose Your Own Adventure books as a kid. Remember those? The books where you got to be the hero of the story, and actually choose which path you took along the journey. Sure, a good chunk of those choices led you to some strange and untimely deaths. May that be a lesson to you kids! Your choices have real life consequences...

...that sometime include half of your body being pulled into a different dimension if you’re not careful! 

...that sometime include half of your body being pulled into a different dimension if you’re not careful! 

It was a bit of a revolution in literature to make the reader an active character, and give them some agency in what they could do within a story. I was so inspired by the concept that I even wrote my own CYOA in an experimental writing class in college. It was an interesting exploration, as a writer, to both give the reader some freedom, and also orchestrate and control everything as the ultimate Creator of the world. Gave me something to chew on when thinking about free will, let me tell you.

So what does all of this have to do with transpersonal healing, past lives, inner child work, the soul’s journey or any of the other stuff Infinite Truth is about?

Well, for one thing you might totally need some inner child healing if you’ve been traumatized by some of the crazy deaths you’re subjected to in your average CYOA.

Triggering childhood PTSD, one book at a time

Triggering childhood PTSD, one book at a time

But seriously, here’s my theory. It’s not even a theory really, but more of a metaphor. Those can be handy when we’re talking about concepts that are so complex that they’re hard to express in mere words. Like infinity, love, justice, the meaning of life, free will…. So what if, metaphorically, each incarnation is one big intricate Choose Your Own Adventure? Of course, just like nearly every spiritual metaphor, this is a pretty gross over-simplification. Because not only are YOU choosing your adventure, but you’re in the adventure with other heroes and heroines, all with their own agency to make choices which often affect you (and your potential choices).

Interconnetion. Greeeaaaat....

Interconnetion. Greeeaaaat....

And because I’m ultimately a huge nerd at heart, I get so excited about how this translates into hypnotherapy and regression work. You’ve read this far, so humor me a bit longer…

In Past Life Regression Therapy we visit the “Interlife,” which is the stage between lives. There, we have the opportunity to review what happened in our previous incarnation, and look at the planning phase for our next one. This is where some of our first choices come into play. In a sense, it’s where we strolled through the celestial bookstore, skimming the infinite CYOA titles for what sounded most compelling to our spirit. Which adventure would balance the seeds of karma with which we’re working? Which one would offer the greatest opportunity to open to love? Which one has other characters with whom we still have some stuff to work out? We took that proverbial book off the proverbial shelf and dove in. And thus began a lifetime of choices, opportunities, challenges and roads we could take, leading to any number of potential endings (and a lot of awesome stuff in between).

In case you missed it: one of the many disclaimers you conveniently forgot about just before you were born.

In case you missed it: one of the many disclaimers you conveniently forgot about just before you were born.

Past Life Regression Therapy can help us get to the big, karmic WHY? Why, among all the possible books on that celestial shelf, did we choose THIS crazy adventure?

In “this life” regression - lets say for Inner Child work to address early trauma - we actually revisit past experiences that might be considered “choice points.”  There, we explore what needs weren't met in those situations. Perhaps we needed to speak up for our truth, but didn't. Perhaps we needed safety or protection when we were too young to provide it for ourselves. We work with the “characters” present in those moments (our young selves, our parents, etc), and even introduce new “characters” when appropriate (spirit guides, archetypal Mother and Father energies, inner resources) to facilitate a corrective emotional experience.

Let you unicorn spirit guide trample those childhood bullies! I mean... hug-shower them with unconditional unicorn love...

Let you unicorn spirit guide trample those childhood bullies! I mean... hug-shower them with unconditional unicorn love...

This allows us to choose a pathway that is more life affirming, empowering and nurturing for the Inner Child. Because the subconscious mind doesnt know the difference between “reality” and imagination, and isnt bound by linear time and space, the impacts of these new choices, made in the trance state, can ripple out into our present day experience. We can, effectively, rewrite our personal narrative to include new pathways of possibility and choice. This isnt about denying what did happen. This is about providing the subconscious mind and energetic body an opportunity to clear out old patterning and give a greater range of possibility to our Inner Child (and thus, our whole self). Just like in a CYOA, we can back-track in regression therapy to these choice points, and find another pathway. And the epic journey continues!

Ultimately the big ‘ol point here is CHOICE. Sometimes it doesnt seem like we have very “good” options available to us in life.  Other times we let go of our agency, hoping someone fix things for us… or just fix US. We can tell ourselves that other people take our choices away, that we’re helpless. But what if we just committed unequivocally to the belief that we have choice?

Even if a hundred doors have been slammed in our face, and only one sketchy, weird looking door is left open, creeking with old school Hollywood haunted house sound effects… We can wait for something to reach through the door with it’s giant insect legs and pull us through into its maw, kicking and screaming.

The End...

The End...

Or we can pull out our flashlight, stand up tall and scream, “IM GONNA GET YOU, MONSTERS!” while we bust the door down, action hero style. We can choose to accept that we still have the power to choose - our actions, beliefs, attitudes, words, etc.


If there’s one shift in perspective I could ever support someone in making, maybe this would be it. That we choose our own adventure. Whether we believe that happened before incarnation, or that it happens in every individual experience of our life, we have the superpower of choice. And when we claim that as one of our natural abilities, truly anything is possible.

If you kick the door down action-hero style, go to page 27

If you get in the spaceship and go back in time through the wormhole, go to page 15.

If you call your friends for backup, go to page 34.


Infinite Truth Healing provides hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy services in three San Diego, CA location, as well as online sessions via Skype or Google Hangout. Receive support in your self-healing in the areas of: stress reduction, inner child healing, shadow work, relationship issues, chronic illness, life purpose, spiritual and intuitive development, trauma or abuse, skill enhancement, grief and loss, depression, addiction and more.