Welcome, Seeker.

Your journey has been long, with many twists, turns, hardships and yes, even victories.

Perhaps you’re tired, or not sure which way to go next. Or perhaps you’re clear on the transformation you’re working towards, but need a guide to help you break through to that next milestone of excellence.

Welcome to sanctuary…

...a place of restoration along your road. A place to remember the miracle that you are; to acknowledge all that you’ve already overcome; and, to find the resources you need to manifest the life you desire. 

A life of passion... purpose... actualized potential...restored personal power. 

A life truly worth living to its fullest.

Can you imagine that?

Some part of you can. That’s why you’re here. You’ve come this far, and there is still a ways to go. But you’re not alone.  

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My passion and purpose...

...is to work with individuals who are:  

  • on a path of deep soul healing

  • excited to become empowered around their relationship to their mind

  • ready to let go of limitations and burdens they’ve been carrying - whether those be trauma, limiting beliefs, or unhelpful patterns of thought, feeling or behavior

  • longing for a connection to their intuition and personal spiritual guidance

If that sounds like you (or any part of you!), then keep reading...

How I work.

I work with individuals for a minimum of 4 sessions on each of their healing goals (with a few exceptions you can read see below).  

Why 4 sessions?

There is a common perception that hypnosis is a magic wand - that hypnotherapists do something mystical to their clients, and resolve lifelong patterns and issues in a single session. While there are certainly situation where this has been known to happen, there are some important things to understand about the magic of hypnosis:

  1. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. I can’t do anything to you. Instead, we work in partnership to support you in resolving your issues and making breakthroughs towards your goals. I serve as your guide into the hypnotic state and through your subconscious mind, and then support you in bring forward resources, new insights and answers

  2. Because we are working with the unconscious mind, change work can, in fact, be done more rapidly than if we are only working with the conscious mind.

The following statistic helps to illustrate this:

A Survey of Psychotherapy Literature by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD., which was later reprinted in American Health Magazine, revealed the following “recovery” rates:

                                   Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions

                                   Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions

                                   Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions

3. The process of rewiring the circuitry of the brain takes time, repetition and consistency. Hypnosis is an incredible catalyst for this rewiring.

The brain is amazing...

...at learning, changing and adapting. It takes the shape of whatever we put our focus on. This is why I always give homework and tools for self-directed neuroplasticity. The more consistently you commit to using those tools, the faster your brain will rewire, and solidify the change-work that we initiate in your sessions.

Now, through my experience working with individuals on a full spectrum of issues from phobias to long term childhood trauma, I have found that it actually takes 12 sessions to reach a breakthrough point for lasting transformation. (Click here to sign up for the Breakthrough Package!)

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While the average in the above study was 6 sessions for 93% “recovery”, I have found that most of my clients reach their desired goal after approximately 3-4 sessions. 

However, those desired goals are often the smaller gifts on the road to the greatest treasure.

I discovered that if a client, for example, quit an addictive habit in just a few of sessions, but then go back into their life with the same root issue that caused the habit, (for example, subconscious beliefs that they’re unworthy of love, or the world isn't safe, etc) then the work we did together was not actualizing full transformation for the client. We were simply treating the symptoms.

If the root issues remains, a new offshoot issue can grow, just like a pesky weed that keeps sprouting up in your beautiful garden.

I have found that with 12 sessions we are often able to access and resolve the root of an issue, which transforms the client in every facet of their lives.

Some issues require more time and work than others. While a phobia can often be resolved in a couple of sessions, issues like weight loss often have many offshoots that must be addressed, and therefore the entire package (and perhaps additional packages beyond that) may be used for the various factors affecting the client.

Likewise, severe and/or prolonged trauma can have deep roots in the unconscious mind, and can have effects on a wide array of a client’s life, such as self-worth, relationships, body image, inherent sense of safety, etc. Complex childhood or adult trauma may take 12+ sessions in order to address the various factors affecting the client. 

Ultimately, all packages are individually tailored to your needs and goals; and, are designed to support you in achieving the vibrant life that you desire.

Underlying Structure of the 4 Session Catalyst Package

Session 1 - 80 minutes - We spend some time reviewing your intake packet (for new clients), and clarifying your healing goal(s). Clarity and focus on your specific goals ensures that we are addressing exactly what you desire. We will spend the second half of the session working on a specific goal through a combination of approaches. I will teach you simple and effective tools to help you rewire your brain in order to reach your goals rapidly.

Session 2 & 3 - 50 minutes - We briefly check in around any questions or reflections you have about your progress, and your self-directed neuroplasticity homework. The bulk of this session is spent directly addressing your desired goal through hypnotherapy, NLP and/or EFT.

Session 4 - Tune-Up - 50 minutes - We check in around progress towards your objective, and your self-directed neuroplasticity. We then do any further trance work to more deeply anchor the transformation you’re making. For more complex issues, we close by assessing whether or not further work is needed to fully address the issue.


4 Session Catalyst Package

The investment for this package is $525. This is best completed within roughly a month in order to create consistency, momentum and the greatest overall impact.

12 Session Breakthrough Package

The investment for this package is $1,500. This is best completed within 6 months in order to create consistency, momentum and the greatest overall impact.


Now that you’ve made it here - to sanctuary - let it be a place of not only restoration, but activation. Because your life is calling you.

Are you ready to answer the call?

Exceptions to the 4 session rule

  • Past Life Regression - please click here to read more about past life regression. While I will see clients for individual past life regression sessions, I strongly recommend diving into a Catalyst Package and pairing this karmic work with practical this life work to support in rewiring your brain towards the goal you’re ultimately seeking.

  • Some Shamanic Services - Power Animal Retrieval, Spirit Guide connection, Illumination, etc    

  • Tune up sessions - these are sessions for past or existing clients that desire to deepen or fine tune their work.