The One That Knows: Invoking the Higher Self in Healing
All artwork by Kelly E.
It’s probably 90 degrees outside as my client Kelly and I sit in her driveway, tapping. Generally speaking, she likes and responds well to Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a method of releasing stuck energy through tapping on points of the body associated to meridian lines in the body. Kelly has been living in Hell on Earth, with a combination of chronic illnesses for which western doctors and holistic practitioners alike have offered little relief. Today, as we often do, we’re tapping on a variety of her unbearable symptoms, perhaps the most crippling of which is her complete hopelessness.
It’s painful and humbling work to hold space for someone who has fought for their wellness with every ounce of their being, and is ready to give up. For someone who wakes up in the morning and immediately wants to die. For someone whom I consider a friend and sister on my own soul’s journey.
Sometimes it’s work I don't know if I’m meant to be doing.
But for this moment, it’s the work I’m showing up for, with my whole heart. So we tap on all of her hopelessness and disconnection.
“Even though these reactions keep coming back….”
“Even though I feel like a robot….”
“Even though I feel so disconnected…”
“Even though I just want to give up… I just want to die….”
“... I still love and accept myself… and I forgive myself…”
Entry Point
On my drive to the home where Kelly's currently living, I had prayed - to Spirit, to all my guides, “Please help me be a clear channel, to know how to be in highest service to Kelly’s healing journey. Please help me. Please help me.” Sitting here on the warm cement, looking at Kelly’s far-away eyes and hunched body, I realize I really dont know anything. Sure, I have some training. I have some experience. I have a whole host of skills and tools I’ve learned for helping others effectively process emotions, release trauma, clear their energetic system, unravel karmic knots blah blah blah. But in this moment, I’m acutely aware that I dont know shit. And, at the risk of sounding dramatic when I’m being truly sincere, someone’s life is literally hanging in the balance.
Then I hear my teacher Holly’s voice in my mind loud and clear: “Ask the Higher Self. You dont need to know everything. The Higher Self knows. Trust your client.”
My Phantom Limb
So I ask Kelly to close her eyes while she keeps tapping, and go inside to find that divine spark of Light in her that is a representation of her Higher Self - that wise, resourceful part of her that is connected to Source, and thus full of possibility. I wonder if she’ll even be willing to look for it; if she even believes it’s there.
Some part of her is still willing.
Some part of her believes.
She makes contact, and immediately the game changes. Kelly’s Higher Self is online, and she’s got some direction about where we’re going from here.
In an instant something clicks into place for me - something I’ve understood on a conscious and logical level, but am learning now in a way that reprograms my whole being. This is what all of my training and skill building has been about. This moment. The moment where I just shut up and listen to The One That Knows. That day, a tapping session unfolded into an unexpected spirit releasement. Kelly was freed of one more attached spirit whose misguided attempts to help her were ultimately harming her system.
Next time, Higher Self directed us from tapping on physical pain to the retrieval of a soul part lost during Kelly's early childhood.
My Childhood Kingdom
The time after that, Higher Self pulled Kelly from total robotic resignation into a past life directly related to her suffering in this life. There are moments when Kelly couldn’t communicate what she was being told, and so I let go of this layer of needing to know as well. I asked her to nod when Higher Self had delivered the answer to my questions, and she nodded again and again, tears rolling down her cheeks. She came out of hypnosis with life in her eyes again. I said a silent prayer of gratitude to Kelly’s Higher Self, and to my own Higher Self for working together as co-facilitators.
What is this all going to amount to? I have no idea. But Kelly’s Higher Self knows. And so does mine. So I do my best to shut up and show up. And so does Kelly. Because she’s one incredible badass. And while I dont think it’s easy for either of us, I’ve come to understand that it’s the work we’re meant to be doing together.
I’ve had some amazing teachers along my journey. Guides that have taught me to trust my intuition, listen deeply, embody my wisdom and knowing, walk my talk, allow my creative flow. Kelly, has been one of my greatest teachers. More than anyone else, she has taught me a valuable lesson that anyone who calls themselves healer could benefit from learning:
Everyone has the capacity of self-healing. In fact I’ll be so bold as to say - that may be the only kind of healing that truly exists. This doesn’t discount all of the vital training that doctors, practitioners and healers receive, or the role of these helpers in the healing process. This is simply to acknowledge that even with all of our training, the role and power/empowerment of the client is ultimately the most important. At a deep level, each soul knows that which is in highest and best service for that soul’s path. When a helper can partner with that wise and resourceful Self, miracles can happen - both large and small. We dont have to know everything. In fact, maybe the best thing we could do is accept that we know a fraction of what’s needed - and align with The One That Knows.
I’ve had some amazing teachers along my journey. Guides that have taught me to trust my intuition, listen deeply, embody my wisdom and knowing, walk my talk, allow my creative flow. Kelly, has been one of my greatest teachers. More than anyone else, she has taught me a valuable lesson that anyone who calls themselves healer could benefit from learning:
Everyone has the capacity of self-healing. In fact I’ll be so bold as to say - that may be the only kind of healing that truly exists. This doesn’t discount all of the vital training that doctors, practitioners and healers receive, or the role of these helpers in the healing process. This is simply to acknowledge that even with all of our training, the role and power/empowerment of the client is ultimately the most important. At a deep level, each soul knows that which is in highest and best service for that soul’s path. When a helper can partner with that wise and resourceful Self, miracles can happen - both large and small. We dont have to know everything. In fact, maybe the best thing we could do is accept that we know a fraction of what’s needed - and align with The One That Knows.
In my practice, one of my first and highest priorities with a new clients is to make contact with their Higher Self, or some other expression of wise or Divine Guidance that they can draw upon at any moment. And then to support that client in learning the ways in which their Higher Self might speak to them - through body cues, intuition, dreams, synchronicities, through nature, etc. This enables them to self-source, rather than develop a dependance on me as a practitioner. It also sets the foundation for continuously turning to the Higher Self for guidance within a session when necessary. Time and again I’m amazing by the answers that come forward - both literal and metaphorical - that I could never have come up with myself. Because they were never my answers to find in the first place.
How do you know if you’re hearing the voice of Higher Self vs. the voice of Ego? Writer and research PHM Atwater offers a simple and helpful chart in her book, Goddess Runes, to help discern:
Voice of Ego
- flatters
- commands
- tests
- chooses for you
- promotes dependency
- intrudes
- pushes
- excludes
- is status oriented
- often claims ultimate authority
- offers short cuts
- seeks personal gratification
Sound familiar? Yeah, I'll be it does. On the other hand...
Voice of Higher Self
- informs
- suggests
- guides
- nudges
- leaves choices to you
- empowers
- promotes independence
- respects
- supports
- includes
- is free and open
- encourages growth and development
- recognizes a greater power (God, Great Spirit, etc)
- offers integration
- affirms divine order along with the good of the whole
We hear the voice of ego a lot, both internally and in our larger culture and community. It’s a voice that has long had a lot of weight in our world. What a radical act of personal transformation and social change it would be to gently turn our focus to another voice. A voice which affirms, opens up possibility, loves and supports.
And to think... we could be that voice in the world as well.
Infinite Truth Healing provides hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy services in three San Diego, CA location, as well as online sessions via Skype or Google Hangout. Receive support in your self-healing in the areas of: stress reduction, inner child healing, shadow work, relationship issues, chronic illness, life purpose, spiritual and intuitive development, trauma or abuse, skill enhancement, grief and loss, depression, addiction and more.